lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Community Portrait, which has High Bio Bio.

This area, in the eyes of the experts, is the perfect blend of indigenous culture and nature. Untamed rivers are winding mountains covered by a rich flora and fauna are the people who have written a rich history and distinctive seared by the geographic area they inhabit. Here you can develop a tourism potential that can have unexpected projections.

Tourism appears to be a very interesting economic alternative for new town of High Bio Bio. Is that those who have always known to its inhabitants, mostly pehuenches have were shocked to learn the reality of an ethnic group that refuses to die. Visitors to the mountains, lakes and forests have been in awe of nature displayed in all its glory.

This area, in the eyes of the experts, is the perfect blend of indigenous culture and unspoiled nature. They are untamed rivers that snake-covered mountains of pine, oak and all sorts of flora and fauna are its inhabitants, men of pehuén, who have written a rich history and distinctive seared by the geographic area they inhabit, breathtakingly beautiful but also harshly punished in times of rain and snowfall.

To be precise, the town of High Bio Bío part just before the bridge over the river which drains its waters Queuco the Bio Bio river, by that point, with an interesting flow.

The geographical area extends mainly between the drawers of both rivers to reach the border with Argentina. There are 2 000 300 km in total, the largest area for a commune in the province and the region.

In the '80s the High Bio Bio was practically forgotten. In the eyes of the Western world for decades was an area for adventurers, nature lovers and owners of large farms for livestock and the exploitation of native forests.

Its inhabitants, mostly pehuenches, inhabited the area since time immemorial. In the midst of pine and mountains, he developed his particular culture but has many elements of the Mapuche, developed very specific characteristics (differences in language, customs, etc).

Communication with the rest of the country referred to a road in poor condition which reached Ralco. Hence inland had only dirt roads - made in the late '70s and early '80s - impossible to move, even in the summer. No phone, much less electricity or other modern developments.

But everything changed early in the decade of the? 90. However, he did wake up to the area was not all his great natural beauty or cultural interest in the presence of Pehuenches single ethnic group in the country.

Hydroelectric plants were (first and Ralco Pangue later) that built the power company Endesa Chile, which put the area on the table for national and international news.

Attracted attention also opened the eyes of hundreds who came to the area on land that is beginning to open wide.

The company itself paved the way to Ralco and then put his hand to the State provide electricity to the area and improve the living conditions of its people with better schools and health posts.

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